We focus on the search for unresolved faint quasars and AGN in the crude
combine images using a multicolor imaging analysis that has proven very
successful in recent years. Quasar selection was carried out both in multicolor
space and in "profile space," defined as the multi-parameter space formed by
the radial profiles of the objects in the different images. By combining the
dither frames available for each filter, we were able to obtain well-sampled
radial profiles of the objects and measure their deviation from that of a
stellar source. We also generated synthetic quasar spectra in the range 1.0 < z
< 5.5 and computed expected quasar colors. We determined that the data are 90%
complete for point sources at 26.2, 28.0, 27.8, 26.8 in the F300W, F450W, F606W
and F814W filters, respectively. We find 41 compact objects in the HDF: 8
pointlike objects with colors consistent with quasars or stars, 18 stars, and
15 slightly resolved objects, 12 of which have colors consistent with quasars
or stars. We estimate the upper limit of unresolved and slightly resolved
quasars/AGNs with V < 27.0 and z < 3.5 to be 20 objects (16,200 per deg^2). We
find good agreement among authors on the number of stars and the lack of quasar
candidates with z > 3.5. We find more quasar candidates than previous work
because of our more extensive modeling and use of all of the available color
information. (abridged)Comment: We have clarified our discussion and conclusions, added some
references and removed the appendix, which is now available from the first
author. 37 pages including 10 embedded postscript figures and 6 tables. To
appear in the Feb. 99 issue of A