“…Several authors have used, with discordant results, transfer factor (TF) (BULLOCK et al, 1972;CAN-DIDO SILVA at a/., 1973;FABER at al., 1979;GODAL, 1974;HASTINGS at al., 1976;LAWRENCE, 1968;SAHA et al, 1975) or total blood transfusion (ALMEIDA GONÇALVES & CUSTÓ- DIO, 1975;LIM et a/., 1972) or viable leukocytes (ANTIA & KHANOLKAR, 1974;BULLOCK at al., 1972;PARA-DISI et al, 1969;SAHA et al, 1975) in patients with the Virchow cells type (BRIEGER & ALLEN, 1964;KHA-NOLKAR, 1964) in an attempt to obtain the transfer of skin reactivity or to reactivate the immunodeficient mechanisms. The TF, as a terapeutic w e a p on , h ad i ts e ff ic ie n c y d emonstrated in several diseases with d e f i c i e n c y o f C M I ( B A S T E N e t CATANZARO & SPITLER, 1976;GRAYBILL et al, 1973;GRIS-CELLI et al, 1973;HITZIG & GROB, 1974;KIRKPATRICK & GALLIN, 1974;LAWRENCE, 1969LAWRENCE, , 1974LE-VIN et a/., 1970MEN-DES & MENDES, 1976;PABST & SWANSON, 1972;ROCKLIN, 1975;ROCKLIN et al, 1970;SCHULKIND & AYOUB, 1975;SILVA et a/., 1976;SPITLER et al, 1975;VETTO at a/., 1976).…”