Abstract. Logistic regression as implemented in PLINK is a powerful and commonly used framework for assessing gene-gene (GxG) interactions. However, fitting regression models for each pair of markers in a genome-wide dataset is a computationally intensive task. Performing billions of tests with PLINK takes days if not weeks, for which reason prefiltering techniques and fast epistasis screenings are applied to reduce the computational burden. Here, we demonstrate that employing a combination of a Xilinx UltraScale KU115 FPGA with an Nvidia Tesla P100 GPU leads to runtimes of only minutes for logistic regression GxG tests on a genome-wide scale. In particular, a dataset of 53,000 samples genotyped at 130,000 SNPs was analyzed in 8 minutes, resulting in a speedup of more than 1,000 when compared to PLINK v1.9 using 32 threads on a server-grade computing platform. Furthermore, on-the-fly calculation of test statistics, p-values and LD-scores in double-precision make commonly used prefiltering strategies obsolete.