Peptide-based supramolecular nano-assemblies have received
attention due to their importance in drug delivery, therapeutics,
and tissue regeneration. Recent developments in dynamic self-assembly
have shifted the emphasis toward producing novel nanostructures with
stimuli-responsive assembly behavior. Here, we report the fabrication
of a bio-nano construct with dual functionality and environmental
tunability, offering advancements in wound healing applications. In
particular, we have utilized a collagen-inspired peptide amphiphile
to fabricate spherical nanoparticles via nanoprecipitation and explored
its unique intrinsic stimuli-responsive self-assembling property to
encapsulate and release the hydrophobic drug, ferulic acid. The peptide-based
spherical nanoparticles demonstrated a dynamic behavior and a shape
transition into nanofibers when exposed to the basic chronic wound
environment, triggering the release of the encapsulated ferulic acid.
The structural transformation of the nanoparticles into the nanofibers
provided an advanced synthetic scaffold for wound closure, while the
released ferulic acid provided assistance in combating microbial infection
to offer a dual advantage of the nano construct. Interestingly, the
novel nanocarrier demonstrated an enhanced efficacy in the bactericidal
effect offered by ferulic acid. Such transmorphic behavior of the
peptide could be used for constructing stimuli-responsive nano-assemblies
for overcoming the limitations of hydrophobic drugs in therapeutics.