In several teleost fishes, guanine type ocular tapeta lucida were studied by conventional light and fluorescence microscopy. Retina1 tapeta lucida were found in the eyes of Chlorophthalmus albatrossis, Chlorophthalmus nigromarginatus, Chlorophthalmus acutifrons, Beryx splendens, Beryx decadactylus, Polymixia japonica and Polymixia bemdti. Choroidal tapeta exist in the eyes of Neoscopelus microchir, Diaphus coeruleus, Diaph us sagarniensis, Epigon us atherinoides, Priacanthus macracanthus, Priacanthus harnrur, Priacanthus boops and Pn'stigenys niphonia. Spectrophotometric and paper-chromatographic evidence reveals the tapetal material to be mainly guanine. Grouped receptors in the retinas of Chlorophthalmus and Polymixia and argentea in the eyes of Priacanthus are described and a classification of the tapeta lucida in teleosts is given. The relationship between retinal and choroidal tapeta is discussed and a possible explanation offered for the two types of tapetal organization in teleosts. Apparently, the two types are related to the ecology and behavior of the species concerned.