The purpose of the article is to evaluate target indicators of entrepreneurship development in the mechanism of its regulation. Research methodology. Building the proposed conceptual assessments in accordance with the determined indicators of the formation and development of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine, the research used the innovative platform for small and medium-sized businesses SAP Business One, on the basis of which a predictive assessment of changes in the structure of agricultural enterprises until 2030 was made. For forecasting, an inertial scenario was chosen, proposing the preservation of the existing vector of development according to the average annual rates for the period 2015–2019, the basic scenario - the growth of quantitative indicators of their development with the preservation of the existing budgetary policy of stimulation and support, and the compromise scenario - the growth of the population, taking into account the conducted assessment the level of institutional and economic contours of the development of the agricultural market institute, the level of self-sufficiency of business entities and the level of potential, taking into account the priority of state support in favor of small and medium-sized commodity producers, in particular family farms. Research results. According to the results of the research, a methodical approach to the development of a long-term predictive assessment of the target indicators of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship using the innovative platform for small and medium-sized businesses SAP Business One was developed, according to three scenarios: inertial (modern) - preservation of the inertia of development, basic - growth of quantitative indicators of their development to indicators, based on a preliminary analysis of the dynamic series of their main indicative indicators and a compromise - growth in quantitative numbers, taking into account the assessment of the level of institutional and economic contours of the development of the agricultural market institute, the level of self-sufficiency of economic entities and the level of potential, taking into account the priority of state support in favor of small and medium-sized commodity producers, in particular family farms. Inertial, basic and compromise scenarios of target indicators of the development of agrarian entrepreneurship have been developed. According to the first, the total number of institutional units in the agricultural sector of the economy by 2030 without the SFG will be 51,772 units, with the SFG - 61,013 units, the second - 52,807 units, with the SFG - 65,122 units, and the third - 55 396 units, from SFG - 70,785 units. Elements of scientific novelty. Methodical approaches to predicting the development of entrepreneurship in the agrarian sector of the economy have gained further development. Practical significance. The developed forecast is intended to take into account the risks and the corresponding response in the form of the development of mechanisms for stimulating the development of entrepreneurship in the agricultural environment by employees of state administration bodies when choosing the directions of regional and state policy of development and regulation of entrepreneurial activity, by researchers to expand the scope of research.