115 9516334; phone +44 115 9513057 Key words: Proto plasts, ge netic ma nip u la tion, nuclear and organelle trans for ma tion, phys i o log i cal in ves ti ga tions, protoplast-to-plant sys tems, so matic hy bridi sa tion ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM Vol. 27. No. 1. 2005: 117-129re view liv ing cell con tents into a hypertonic so lu tion. Several years later, what may now be con sid ered as early 'bio tech nol ogy' ex per i ments em a nated from in ves ti ga tions of Kuster (1909) andMichel (1937). These work ers dem on strated that the plasma membranes of iso lated proto plasts (wall-less 'na ked cells') could be in duced to fuse, per mit ting co alescence of their cytoplasms. How ever, such in ves tiga tions passed vir tu ally un no ticed for many years un til the com mer cial avail abil ity, dur ing the 1960s, of wall de grad ing pectinases and cellulases. Such en zymes, when used ei ther se quen tially or in combi na tion, fa cil i tated the re pro duc ible iso la tion of large, work able pop u la tions (>1 x 10 6 ) of viable protoplasts from primary tissues of a range of plant species.