First of all, I would like to express my most deep gratitude to my family, without which all this would be unfathomable. I feel truly blessed. I would like to thank all my friends: Samuel, Lucas, José and Rodrigo, that I met along this journey. Countless hours were invested in insightful and joyful conversations by the coffee table. This partnership made the experience memorable and one in a lifetime. I am deeply move by all of it. Also, I have much to thank my supervisor, Renato Vicente, for having the courage to accept so willingly someone with a theoretical background and no applied experience. Your guidance was timeless.Finally, I would like to thank Taís, the light when all other lights had gone.Outline Guatimosim, C. N. Analytical Variation in the generalization of deep feed-forward neural networks. 2020. 96f. Dissertação