Abstract. Recent results showing that a singlefibronectin gene can give rise to several different mRNAs by alternative splicing have offered an explanation for fibronectin polymorphism. Here we report on monoclonal antibodies that show specificity for a fibronectin segment (ED) that can be included or omitted from the molecule depending on the pattern of splicing of the mRNA precursors. Using these monoclonals, we have quantitatively analyzed the expression of the ED sequence in human fibronectin from different sources. The results demonstrated that, at the protein level, the ED segment is not expressed in plasma fibronectin and that, in fibronectin from the tissue culture medium of tumor-derived or simian virus-40-transformed human cells, the percentage of fibronectin molecules containing the ED segment is about 10 times higher than in fibronectin from normal human fibroblasts. These results suggest that in malignant cells the mechanisms that regulate the splicing of mRNA precursors are altered. F IBRONECT1NS (FNs) ~ are high-molecular-mass, adhesive glycoproteins present in the soluble form in plasma and other body fluids and in insoluble form in the extracellular matrices and basement membranes. FN molecules act as bridges between the cell surface and extracellular material. In fact, the FN molecules contain a cellbinding site and binding sites for collagen, heparin, gangliosides, and fibrin. Because of their multiple interactions, FNs play an important role in diverse biological phenomena, including cell adhesion, cell migration, hemostasis and thrombosis, wound healing and the ability to induce a more normal phenotype in transformed cells (for reviews on distribution, structure, and biological functions, see references 1,7,8,18,24).It has been demonstrated that FN polymorphism may be at least partially due to alternative splicing schemes in two regions (ED and IIICS) because as many as 10 different mRNAs may originate from the primary transcript of a single gene (9, 12-15, 25, 26, 29) localized on chromosome 2 (11, 34). In fact, Schwarzbauer et al. (25) have shown that an antiserum specific for the rat fibronectin IIICS sequence recognizes the larger subunit of rat plasma FN (plFN), but not the smaller one.Here we report the characterization of mAbs for the ED 1. Abbreviations used in this paper: cFN and plFN, fibronectin from cultured cell media and plasma, respectively. fragment of fibronectin. Using these mAbs in a quantitative assay, we have demonstrated that this sequence is not present in plFN and that tumor-derived and SV-40-transformed human cells release a population of FN molecules in which the percentage of subunits containing the ED sequence is about 10 times higher than in the FN released by normal human fibroblasts.