We propose an alternative fully digital encryption technique based on using the Fourier transform of the original object to be processed and a speckled reference wave as encryption mask. Once encrypted, the Fourier transform spectrum of the object is holographically stored. The original data recovering is performed by digital reconstruction using the same encryption mask, which is also holographically stored. Quality of reconstructed data is evaluated as a function of the sensed encrypted data. Computer simulations and experimental results are presented to demonstrate the method. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.In recent years, several proposals on informa tion security using optical techniques were published [1 6]. Optical encryption have the added property that a large amount of data can be stored or retrieved in parallel and at high speed. The first to be used were techniques related to analog en cryption methods based on different correlation architectures [7,8]. These setups can be considered as the basis for the design of real-time optical security devices. Most optical correlators use 2-D input images and are designed around a 2-D op * Corresponding author. Fax: +54-221-4712771. E mail address: robertot@ciop.unlp.edu.ar (R. Torroba).tical processing architecture. However, the presence of complex or expensive elements complicates the creation of simple and low-priced devices of this type. These correlators can be used for instance to secure entry systems that identify individuals for access to a restricted area. In security systems, the image, such as a picture of a face or a fingerprint, is used for the same purpose. They include memory units for storing key code images that are used to verify the authenticity of the input image. It is impossible to verify the encoded documents without knowing the key mask that have been used in the encoding. Furthermore, key codes have to be unique to be a full-proof, reliable ac curate, ready to implement as well as to meet the goal of putting the counterfeits and frauds to a complete halt. The systems are also integrated to a network. If the memory units are stolen or if important data are intercepted by monitoring the transmission line in the network, however, an unauthorized person can extract vital information easily. It is becoming increasingly simple to reproduce the input data of the security system. Therefore, data protection has become necessary. The most preferred method is that of double random phase encryption [9]. In the encryption process input data (positive real-valued image) is multiplied by a random phase function, then Fourier transformed and finally multiplied by another random phase function. We can obtain a decrypted image by first multiplying by the com plex-conjugate of the second encoding phase function and taking a Fourier transform. Many related contributions were generated, including the use of a Joint transform correlator (JTC) [10] or optical arrangements using photorefractive crystals [11]. The content of the proposals was...