30Psychiatric diseases have a strong heritable component known to not be restricted to 31 DNA sequence-based genetic inheritance alone but to also involve epigenetic factors in 32 germ cells 1,2 . Initial evidence suggested that sperm RNA is causally linked 2,3 to the 33 transmission of symptoms induced by traumatic experiences. Here we show that 34 alterations in long RNA in sperm contribute to the inheritance of specific trauma 35 symptoms. Injection of long RNA fraction from sperm of males exposed to postnatal 36 trauma recapitulates the effects on food intake, glucose response to insulin and risk-37 taking in adulthood whereas the small RNA fraction alters body weight and behavioral 38 despair. Alterations in long RNA are maintained after fertilization, suggesting a direct 39 link between sperm and embryo RNA. 40 41 42 43 Adverse experiences can have long-lasting transgenerational effects on mental and 46 physical health, and often increase disease risk 4,5 . Traumatic stress in early life in 47 particular, can induce pathologies like psychosis, depression and metabolic 48 dysfunctions in adulthood across generations 6 . To examine the biological factors 49 involved, we recapitulated heritable behavioural and metabolic effects of postnatal 50 trauma across several generations using a previously established model of 51 unpredictable maternal separation combined with unpredictable maternal stress 52(MSUS) in the mouse, that shows symptoms through up to three generations ( Fig.1) 2,7-53 13 . We have shown that such postnatal trauma alters small RNA in sperm and that 54 injection of total sperm RNA from exposed male mice into naïve fertilized oocytes elicits 55 symptoms reminiscent of those observed in natural offspring of exposed fathers 2 . Other 56 studies have demonstrated that adult stress 14,15 and environmental insults like altered 57 diet or vinclozolin exposure, or positive factors such as exercise or environmental 58 enrichment can affect small RNA in sperm 16-21 and somatic tissues 22 in the offspring.59Recently, tRNA fragments and their modifications were also found to be affected by 60 nutritional insult, and unmodified or modified sperm small RNA injected into fertilized 61 oocytes could mimic metabolic changes resulting from altered parental diet in the 62 progeny 18,23,24 . These studies therefore suggest that small RNA in sperm can be 63 carrier of heritable information. Here we sought to determine whether long RNA in 64 sperm also contributes to the transmission of the effects of previous exposure.
Materials and Methods
68Mice. C57BL/6J mice were housed in a temperature and humidity-controlled facility 69 under a reverse light-dark cycle, and food and water were provided ad libitum. 70 Experimental procedures were performed during the animals' active cycle. All71 experiments were approved by the cantonal veterinary office, Zurich (license 55/12 then 72 57/15).73 74 MSUS paradigm. C57BL/6J primiparous females and males were mated at 2.5-3 75 months of age. Randomly selected dams and litt...