-To investigate potential impacts of insecticidal transgene products on hypopharyngeal gland development, newly-emerged adult honey bees were kept in cages and fed for ten days with a pollen-food to which one of the following proteins had been added at concentrations equivalent to pollen expressing 1.25% (of total protein) aprotinin, 11.2 µM avidin or 0.3% Cry1Ba protein. Control bees were fed pollenfood without additive, with casein added, or pollen-candy. None of the treatments significantly affected bee survival, or the mean diameters of gland acini, gland mass or protein content on Days 1, 4, 8 or 10. Bees consumed significantly more of the pollen-candy than the other foods. Assays showed no evidence of aprotinin, avidin or Cry1Ba in the glands of bees fed with these proteins. Thus effects of these transgene products on gland development are unlikely, but field trials using transgenic plants are required for a full assessment.Apis mellifera / hypopharyngeal gland / insecticidal transgenic plant protein / laboratory assay