27Radiotherapy is an indispensable strategy for lung cancer, however, treatment failure 28 or reoccurrence is often found in patients due to the developing radioresistance. Novel 29 approaches are required for radiosensitizing to improve the therapeutic efficacy. In 30 present study, we found that transglutaminase 2 (TG2) confers radioresistance in 31 non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells through regulating TOPOIIα and promoting 32 DNA repair. Our data showed that TG2 inhibitor or knockdown increased NSCLC 33 radiosensitivity in vivo and in vitro. We found that TG2 translocated into nucleus and 34 located to DSB sites, surprisingly, knockdown TG2 or glucosamine inhibited the 35 phosphorylation of ATM, ATR and DNA-Pkcs. Through IP-MS assay and functional 36 experiments, we identified that TOPOIIα as an downstream factor of TG2. Moreover,
37we found that TGase domain account for the interaction with TOPOIIα. Finally, we 38 found that TG2 expression was correlated with poor survival in lung adenocarcinoma 39 instead of squamous cell carcinoma. In conclusion, we demonstrated that inhibiting 40 TG2 sensitize NSCLC to IR through interfere TOPOIIα mediated DNA repair, 41 suggesting TG2 as a potential radiosensitizing target in NSCLC. 42 43 65aberrant active in cancer cells (13)(14)(15). Previous study had showed that ATM inhibitor 66 KU55933 abrogated the constitutively activation of TG2 induced by genotoxic drug 67 MNNG (13). ATM mediated NF-kB activation increased the level of TG2. TG2 was 68 also proved as a target of p53 and involved in DNA damage repair, and knockdown of 69 p53 reduced the level of TG2 (14, 15). But the response of TG2 to ionizing radiation 70 and the exact role of TG2 in DNA repair remains to be uncovered.
71Here, we report that TG2 confers to radioresistance in NSCLC and enhanced 72 4 DNA repair capacity through directly interacting with DNA topoisomerase II α 73 (TOPOII α ). We found that ionizing radiation (IR) resulted in a rapid nuclear 74 translocation of TG2 and knockdown TG2 significantly inhibited DNA repair. TG2 75 was found to bind and activate TOPOIIα in nucleus to initial DNA damage repair 76 processes, such as phosphorylation of ATM, ATR and DNA-PKcs. Moreover, we used 77 a clinically used TG2 inhibitor, glucosamine, and found it significantly sensitized lung 78 cancer to IR in vivo and in vitro. Finally, we found TG2 was significantly correlated 79 with the survival in lung adenocarcinoma instead of squamous cell carcinoma patients, 80 which suggest possible prognostic value of TG2 in lung adenocarcinoma. These data 81 provide the possibility of clinical translation of TG2 inhibitor in the radiosensitization 82 of lung cancer. 83 84 5
Inhibition of TG2 sensitizes lung cancer cells to ionizing radiation 86It has been proved that TG2 high expression was related to chemoresistance of 87 multiple cancers (16)(17)(18). To determine whether TG2 participates in radioresistance in 88 NSCLC, firstly we used a TG2 inhibitor, glucosamine, which was already used in 89 clinics as a...