both the point mutations (K10E, T82I and E156G), and the deletion of mAID's NES contributed to the improvement of mAID activity (Fig. 2B). We also constructed hAID-del (human AID without NES) and hAID-plus (hAID-del with the point mutations K10E, T82Iand E156G) and tested their mutation efficiencies (Fig. 2B). Generally speaking, hAID and their mutants had lower activities than their mouse counterparts in CHO cells. The mutations K10E, T82I and E156G on hAID increased its activity, while in contrast to mAID, the NES deletion of hAID did not enhance its activity. These data suggest that mAID-plus has the highest mutating activity, and should be used for antibody affinity maturation in the following experiments.