The current paper discusses the adaptive choice of a filter time constant for filtering the steady-state flux reference in the energy-efficient control problem of field-orientation induction machines in transient behavior when load and speed conditions are changing taking into account the effect of the main induction saturation. It is shown that by appropriately managing the flux linkage rate of change the energy losses per full operation cycle under torque changes can be significantly reduced compared to the conventional cases. The analysis for the appropriate choice of the filter time constant as a fraction of the rotor time constant is based on a numerical study and simulation results for three different induction machines with different rated powers.Statement of the problem and analysis of the recent research and publications. The induction machine is widely used in industrial applications due to its robustness and its low cost compared to permanent magnet synchronous machines. However, in part-load operation, the efficiency of the induction machine dramatically decreases when the flux is kept at the nominal level. To address this issue different strategies have been developed in the past to increase the efficiency of the induction machine in a large operation range [1], [2]. However, when the induction machine is operated under changing loads these methods will not yield maximum efficiency. A solution to this problem in the framework of vehicle applications is given in [3]. However, the motor for these applications will often operate in dynamics with changing torques and speed up to voltage and current limits. The development of parametrized prototypes is discussed in [4]. Unfortunately, without voltage and current limits as well. These limits require the knowledge of the behavior of the process quantities, which can be obtained from offline optimization [5]. ��������������������������������� ��Diachenko G.G., Aziukovskyi O.O., 2020� «Системні технології» 5 (130) 2020 «System technologies» ISSN 1562-9945 (Print) ISSN 2707-7977 (Online)