Changes in borehole water levels and remotely triggered seismicity occur in response to near and distant earthquakes at locations around the globe, but the mechanisms for these phenomena are not well understood. Experiments were conducted to show that seismically initiated gas bubble growth in groundwater can trigger a sustained increase in pore fluid pressure consistent in magnitude with observed coseismic borehole water level rise, constituting a physically plausible mechanism for remote triggering of secondary earthquakes through the reduction of effective stress in critically loaded geologic faults. A portion of the CO 2 degassing from the Earth's crust dissolves in groundwater where seismic Rayleigh and P waves cause dilational strain, which can reduce pore fluid pressure to or below the bubble pressure, triggering CO 2 gas bubble growth in the saturated zone, indicated by a spontaneous buildup of pore fluid pressure. Excess pore fluid pressure was measured in response to the application of 0.1-1.0 MPa, 0.01-0.30 Hz confining stress oscillations to a Berea sandstone core flooded with initially subsaturated aqueous CO 2 , under conditions representative of a confined aquifer. Confining stress oscillations equivalent to the dynamic stress of the 28 June 1992 M w 7.3 Landers, California, earthquake Rayleigh wave as it traveled through the Long Valley caldera, and Parkfield, California, increased the pore fluid pressure in the Berea core by an average of 36 ± 15 cm and 23 ± 15 cm of equivalent freshwater head, respectively, in agreement with 41.8 cm and 34 cm rises recorded in wells at those locations.1. Background
Coseismic Borehole Water Level RiseWater levels in some wells respond to near and distant earthquakes [Roeloffs et al., 1995Roeloffs, 1998;Woodcock and Roeloffs, 1996;Liu et al., 1989;Zones, 1957;Leggette and Taylor, 1934;Sterns, 1928]. The water level can increase or decrease in response to a change in static stress, but the coseismic water level changes in a subset of wells always have the same sign, regardless of the sign of the local static stress change. In wells that exhibit coseismic water level rise, the increase in water level scales with the earthquake magnitude, and inversely as the square of the distance to the hypocenter [Roeloffs, 1998]. Coseismic water level rise typically begins within minutes of the passage of the seismic surface wave train and builds to a peak over hours to days then slowly declines to or near pre-earthquake level within hours to weeks. The largest coseismic water level rise in a given well tends to occur when the pre-earthquake water level is at or near a seasonal low [Roeloffs, 1998]. The 28 June 1992 M w 7.3 Landers, California, earthquake induced water level changes ranging from À180 cm to +300 cm in wells in Parkfield, Long Valley caldera, and Southern California (Figure 1), and caused borehole water level oscillations in Oregon and Nevada [Roeloffs et al., 1995].The Bourdieu Valley well, 435 km from the Landers hypocenter, responded with a 34 cm incre...