SUMMARYScattering of elastic waves by two dimensional multilayered dipping sediments of arbitrary shape embedded in an elastic half-space is investigated by using a boundary method. The displacement field is evaluated throughout the elastic media for both steady state and transient incident SH waves. The unknown scattered field is expressed in terms of wave fiinctions which satisfy the equation of motion, traction-free boundary condition and appropriate radiation conditions. The transient response is constructed from the steady state solution by using the fast Fourier transform technique.The numerical results presented demonstrate that scattering of waves by subsurface irregularities may cause locally very large amplification of surface ground motion. The motion can be affected greatly by the scattered surface waves in the sediments. The results clearly indicate that the surface ground motion depends upon a number of parameters present in the problem, such as frequency and the angle of incidence of the incoming wave, impedance contrast between the layers and location of the observation point.