The existing power grids round the globe are
getting converted to Smart Grid for promoting more
economic, reliable and sustainable operation and control in
presence of Renewable Energy Sources (RES). In
operational optimisation of the grid, not only intermittent
renewable generation poses difficulty but also an essential
resource Demand Response (DR) that is consumer
characteristics which is needed to balance generation and
demand,may introduce transient stability problems in the
grid. This is due to weather dependent variation of
generation of RES and subsequent controllable load
curtailment within very short duration of time. Though
transient stability problems cannot be predicted accurately
in time domain but if planned properly the grid may be
operated with substantial stability margin even before any
disturbance and subsequent perturbation of the operating
point, can happen. The pre-perturbation stability margin
helps in restoring the operating point of the system to stable
zone of operation during disturbance. Traditional OPF
algorithms of the grid like generation cost optimisation or
active power loss minimisation may not be sufficient to
provide a sustainable generation and demand schedule. This
work presents a few new OPF algorithmsfor Smart Grid
operational optimisation which takes care of rotor angle
stability along with the other important controllable like
generation cost, transmission line active power loss, voltage
profile, transmission line congestion and load curtailment
by producing optimal generation and load schedule without
conceding any limit violation. The most prominent result
was obtained from one of the proposed algorithms which
has been referred here as Transient stability constrained
Social Welfare optimisation as it causes benefit
simultaneously to GENCOs, TRANSCOs and DISCOs
adhering to transient stability constraint of the grid. This
work also validates the results of the optimisation (Optimal
generation and load schedule), demonstrating how the
proposed solution provides shorter time for rotor angle
restoration and comparatively lesser relative deviation of
rotor angles of the generators during a few cases of
simulated faults in MATLAB SIMULINK environment. For
the complexity of the objective function a differential
evolution modified quantum Particle Swarm Optimisation
(DEQPSO) algorithm has been proposed in this work.