There are left and right actions of the 0-Hecke monoid of the affine symmetric groupS n on involutions whose cycles are labeled periodically by nonnegative integers. Using these actions we construct two bijections, which are length-preserving in an appropriate sense, from the set of involutions inS n to the set of N-weighted matchings in the n-element cycle graph. As an application, we compute a formula for the bivariate generating function counting the involutions inS n by length and absolute length. The 0-Hecke monoid ofS n also acts on involutions (without any cycle labelling) by Demazure conjugation. The atoms of an involution z ∈S n are the minimal length permutations w which transform the identity to z under this action. We prove that the set of atoms for an involution inS n is naturally a bounded, graded poset, and give a formula for the set's minimum and maximum elements. Using these properties, we classify the covering relations in the Bruhat order restricted to involutions inS n . k .(1.4) This is an analogue of a more complicated identity proved in [26]. The 0-Hecke monoid ofS n also acts directly onĨ n by Demazure conjugation: the right action mapping (z, w) → w −1 • z • w for z ∈Ĩ n and w ∈S n . This monoid action is a degeneration of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra representation studied by Lusztig and Vogan in [23,24]. The orbit of the identity under Demazure conjugation is all ofĨ n , and we define A(z) for z ∈Ĩ n as the set of elements w ∈S n of minimal length such that z = w −1 • w. Following [9, 10], we call these permutations the atoms of z. There are a few reasons why these elements merit further study, beyond their interesting combinatorial properties. The sets A(z) may be defined for involutions in any Coxeter group and, in the case of finite Weyl groups, are closely related to the sets W (Y ) which Brion [4] attaches to B-orbit closures Y in a spherical homogeneous space G/H (where G is a connected complex reductive group, B a Borel subgroup, and H a spherical subgroup). Results of Hultman [16,17], extending work of Richardson and Springer [27,28], show the atoms to be intimately connected to the Bruhat order of a Coxeter group restricted to its involutions. Finally, the atoms of involutions in finite symmetric groups play a central role in recent work of Can, Joyce, Wyser, and Yong on the geometry of the orbits of the orthogonal group on the type A flag variety; see [5,6,31,32].Our object in the second half of this paper is to generalise a number of results about the atoms of involutions in finite symmetric groups to the affine case. In Section 6, extending results in [10,15], we show that there is a natural partial order which makes A(z) for z ∈Ĩ n into a bounded, graded poset. We conjecture that this poset is a lattice. Generalising results of Can, Joyce, and Wyser [5, 6], we show in Section 7 that there is an explicit set of inequalities governing the "one-line" representation of a permutation inS n which determines whether it belongs to A(z). This result translates to a "local" criterion fo...