In this paper, we present a path integral hybrid Monte Carlo ͑PIHMC͒ method for rotating molecules in quantum fluids. This is an extension of our PIHMC for correlated Bose fluids ͓S. Miura and J. Tanaka, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 2160 ͑2004͔͒ to handle the molecular rotation quantum mechanically. A novel technique referred to be an effective potential of quantum rotation is introduced to incorporate the rotational degree of freedom in the path integral molecular dynamics or hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. For a permutation move to satisfy Bose statistics, we devise a multilevel Metropolis method combined with a configurational-bias technique for efficiently sampling the permutation and the associated atomic coordinates. Then, we have applied the PIHMC to a helium-4 cluster doped with a carbonyl sulfide molecule. The effects of the quantum rotation on the solvation structure and energetics were examined. Translational and rotational fluctuations of the dopant in the superfluid cluster were also analyzed.