The potential of polarized, high-luminosity, moderate-energy e + e − colliders for performing unique measurements in fundamental QCD is described, with particular reference to the proposed Super-B facility. An extensive programme of 2-photon physics is proposed, focusing on measurements of the polarized photon structure functions g γ 1 and g γ 2 and pseudoscalar meson transition functions. The experimental requirements for Super-B to make the first measurement of the first moment sum rule for the off-shell polarized photon structure function g γ 1 (x, Q 2 ; K 2 ) are described in detail. Cross-section formulae and experimental issues for investigations of NLO and higher-twist effects in g γ 1 and g γ 2 together with exclusive 2-photon meson production are presented. This programme of QCD studies complements the core mission of Super-B as a high-luminosity B factory investigating flavour physics and rare processes signaling new physics beyond the standard model.