This paper is dedicated to Professor Scott E. Denmark, with thanks for his mentorship, his dedication to excellence and his extensive contributions to science.Abstract: The use of potassium carbonate in addition to silver oxide is shown to increase the enantiospecificity of the SuzukiMiyaura cross-coupling reaction of chiral secondary benzylic boronic esters. From mechanistic studies, it is shown that the reaction is compatible with Mizoroki-Heck coupling partners, even when they are present in considerable excess. This unique chemoselectivity provides the opportunity to carry out sequential reactions.Since its discovery by Sneddon and Wilczynski 1 over 30 years ago, the metal-catalyzed hydroboration of unsaturated carbon-carbon bonds continues to be a reaction of considerable interest. 2 The ability to transform the boronic ester product into useful substrates is critical for the widespread use of this reaction in synthesis. 3 In 2009, our group reported an important advance in this area, namely the enantiospecific Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling of aryl iodides 1 and chiral, enantiopure organoboronic esters 2 (Scheme 1). 4 With the exception of the very specific class of cyclopropyl boronic esters, 5 this constituted the first example of a Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction of a secondary chiral organoboronic ester, which occurred without loss of stereochemistry and with complete regiochemical fidelity. 6 Since our report, 4 other examples have appeared from the groups of Molander, 7 Suginome 8 and Hall, 9 whilst secondary allylic boronic ester coupling has been reported by our group, 10 and propargylic couplings by Aggarwal. 11
Scheme 1 Enantiospecific Suzuki-Miyaura cross-couplingIn addition to the high enantiospecificity observed in this important reaction, we also found the reaction to be surprisingly chemoselective. 4 Notably, the linear hydroboration isomer 4, obtained by hydroboration with iridium catalysts, and typically considered to be the more reactive regioisomer, 12 was completely unreactive under our optimized cross-coupling conditions (Scheme 2). Also, while studying the mechanistic details of this reaction, we discovered that in the presence of internal or large amounts of external Heck acceptors, complete selectivity was observed for the Suzuki-Miyaura product 3aa (Scheme 2). 13,14 The exploration of this unique chemoselectivity and the rationale behind it is the subject of this paper. Scheme 2 Chemoselective cross-coupling of secondary boronic ester in the presence of primary boronic ester or Heck acceptor In our initial 2009 report, the Suzuki-Miyaura coupling was shown to proceed with high levels of retention of stereochemistry, although some erosion was observed. 4 Indeed, enantiospecificities in the order of 92% were obtained, leaving room for improvement. During a subsequent screen of conditions, we found that the enantiospecificity was improved markedly when potassium carbonate was used in conjunction with silver oxide as the base (Table 1). 15 Interestingly, these gains in enantiospe...