Abstract.We observe that Cu clusters grow on surface terraces of graphite as a result of physical vapor deposition in ultrahigh vacuum. We show that the observation is incompatible with a variety of models incorporating homogeneous nucleation and highlevel calculations of atomic-scale energetics. An alternative explanation, ion-mediated heterogeneous nucleation, is proposed and validated, both with theory and experiment. This serves as a case study in identifying when and whether the simple, common observation of metal clusters on carbon-rich surfaces can be interpreted in terms of homogeneous nucleation. We describe a general approach for making system-specific and laboratory-specific predictions.
Introduction.The conditions under which solids grow on solid surfaces determine the structure, properties, and distribution of the grown material. One of the simplest-and most informative-growth scenarios is that in which single atoms impinge on a solid surface, then diffuse randomly and aggregate into clusters. This situation is informative because there can be a direct relationship between clusters' characteristics (e.g. number density and size distribution) and the energetics of individual processes (e.g. diffusion of atoms and cluster nucleation). However, there is a basic condition for applying this relationship: Nucleation and growth must occur on homogeneous (defect-free) surface regions. Usually, the experimental observation of clusters on low-index surface terraces is taken to be a strong indication that this condition is met.A timely example of solid-on-solid growth is that of metals on carbon-based solids, especially on graphene and graphite. This type of combination is important for major energy-related technologies involving catalysis [1] and electrochemistry [2,3], and also for the exploitation of carbon-based solids in magnetic or electronic devices [4,5]. There have been many studies of model systems, especially studies of transition metals on graphite. [6] In these studies, it has been very common to observe clusters of metals on the (0001) terraces of graphite [6]. However, only rarely have the clusters' characteristics been analyzed in relation to the mechanism or energetics of homogeneous nucleation and