In this work, a broadband 1071 nm crossed optical dipole trap was loaded simultaneously from a two-atomicspecies K-Rb magneto-optical trap. The number of atoms loaded into the dipole trap, for both species, was characterized as a function of different laser parameters and loading procedures. The best observed loading procedure for K is explained by the ac Stark shift of the hyperfine states involved in the D 2 transition. For the optimum conditions, the dipole trap has about 3 × 10 6 39 K atoms at an atomic density of 7 × 10 12 cm −3 and 2 × 10 6 Rb atoms at an atomic density of 5 × 10 12 cm −3 , with temperatures of 22 and 10 μK, respectively. Finally, by studying the time evolution of both species trapped in the crossed optical dipole trap, we have observed a nonexponential decay associated with heteronuclear two-body losses. Such losses may be due to KRb photoassociation by the broadband 1071 nm laser.