In 1985, Restivo and Salemi presented a list of five problems concerning power free languages. Problem 4 states: Given α-power-free words u and v, decide whether there is a transition from u to v. Problem 5 states: Given α-power-free words u and v, find a transition word w, if it exists.Let Σ k denote an alphabet with k letters. Let L k,α denote the α-power free language over the alphabet Σ k , where α is a rational number or a rational "number with +". If α is a "number with +" then suppose k ≥ 3 and α ≥ 2. If α is "only" a number then suppose k = 3 and α > 2 or k > 3 and α ≥ 2. We show that: If u ∈ L k,α is a right extendable word in L k,α and v ∈ L k,α is a left extendable word in L k,α then there is a (transition) word w such that uwv ∈ L k,α . We also show a construction of the word w.