Introduction. Currently, the procedure for providing audit services to public interest entities is being reformed. The main goal of these reforms is to provide more effective protection of legally protected values associated with the activities of such economic entities. The changes also apply to the content of audit reports on their financial statements. The process of revising the relevant regulatory document is still ongoing. Not all of the revised provisions are consistent with each other and the International Standards on Auditing. This will complicate their practical application by auditors and affect the informational value and public utility of audit reports. In addition, since 2017, when the modern format for audit reports was adopted, its application has revealed shortcomings in terms of its content and terminology. This explains the need to develop proposals to eliminate these “sticking points” when regulating the content of the auditor's report. Purpose. The development of recommendations to harmonise the provisions of laws and regulations governing the content of audit reports and federal state control (supervision) of the activities of audit organisations providing services to public interest entities with the International Auditing Standards in order to increase the information value of audit reports. Methods. The research results were obtained using analysis, synthesis, analogy, historical and logical approaches, classification, etc. Results. It was proposed to introduce changes to the text of the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities” of 30.12.2008 No. 307-FZ in order to eliminate contradictions in its provisions regarding the content of audit reports, to ensure their consistency with the International Standards on Auditing and laws and regulations in the field of controlling the activities of audit organisations that provide audit services to public interest entities. The content of the requirements of the International Standards on Auditing regarding the content of audit reports was clarified as well as their official translation into Russian to make the documents more informative and easy to use. Conclusions. The proposed clarifications can be taken into account when making changes to the texts of the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”, the original version of the International Standards on Auditing and its official translation. They can also be further discussed by specialists.