Security protocol issues is an essential factor in network communication. The research of authenticated key exchange protocol is a hotspot in information security field at present, and the related research theories are quite mature. However with respect to the emerging wireless body area network (WBAN), there is few appropriate security protocol to guarantee the security of this network. This paper proposes an authenticated key exchange protocol for wireless body area network, which support the selective authentication between nodes pertain to the net, simultaneously two pairs of session key being generated efficiently and succinctly in the process of each certification, afterwards the security proof by BAN logic of such protocol is given out. The analysis indicates that the proposed protocol meets the expectative objectives.
IntroductionIt is generally known that the information security is of vital importance in communication process while the issue is particular prominent in physically vulnerable wireless network [6]. Message exchange protocol based on cryptography called cryptographic protocol.Key exchange protocol which furnished network authentication between users, is divided into password-based, symmetric key-based and public key infrastructurebased, named authenticated key exchange protocol [7]. And symmetric key-based authenticated key exchange protocol is common employed and provided with plenty of projects, such as the well-know NSSK protocol and improved NSSK protocols [1], the noted Yahalom protocol and its modified protocols [3] and the like.With the development of wireless communication technique and sensor technology, research on WSN (wireless sensor network) security protocol [5] have gained gigantic progress. WBAN (wireless body area network) is the embranchment of WSN, it takes human bodies as the carrier of sensors, along with smart mobile device and long-distance information center constitute the network system.