Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) are a major public health problem. The problems inherent to their diagnosis, treatment and prevention have to do not only with their nature, but also with organizational issues and overlapping competencies of the different health authorities in Spain. The real situation of STI in Spain, at present, is poorly known. For this reason, the Scientific Committee on COVID and Emerging Pathogens of the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Madrid (ICOMEM) has formulated a series of questions on this subject which were distributed, not only among the members of the Committee, but also among experts outside it. The central health authorities provide very high and increasing figures for gonococcal infection, syphilis, Chlamydia trachomatis infection and lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV). Both HIV infection and Monkeypox are two important STI caused by viruses in our environment, to which it should be added, mainly, Herpes simplex virus (HSV) and Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Emerging microorganisms such as Mycoplasma genitalium pose not only pathogenic challenges but also therapeutic problems, as in the case of N. gonohrroeae. The pathways that patients with suspected STI follow until they are adequately diagnosed and treated are not well known in Spain. Experts understand that this problem is fundamentally managed in public health institutions, and that Primary Care and Hospital Emergency Services, together with some institutions that deal monographically with this problem, are the recipients of most of these patients. One of the most serious difficulties of STI lies in the availability of the microbiological tests necessary for their diagnosis, particularly in this era of outsourcing of microbiology services. Added to this is the increased cost of implementing the latest generation of molecular techniques and the difficulties of transporting samples. It is clear that STI are not diseases to which the entire population is equally exposed and it is necessary to have a better knowledge of the risk groups where to focus the necessary interventions adapted to their characteristics. It should not be forgotten that STI are also a problem in the pediatric age group and that their presence can be a marker of sexual abuse with all that this implies in terms of health care and medicolegal activity. Finally, STI are infections that are associated with a high cost of care for which we have very little information. The possibility of expanding the automatic performance of laboratory tests for STI surveillance through laboratory routines is encountering ethical and legal problems that are not always easy to solve. Spain has created a ministerial area of specific attention to STI and there are plans to improve the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of these problems, but we still lack the necessary evidence on their impact. We cannot forget that these are diseases that transcend the individual and constitute a Public Health problem.