Abstract. In recent years, China's civil service employment presents a unique landscape, worthy of attention and study. The complaint of boring work and low pay often appeared in the media, but relative to the few case of the resignation, most grassroots young civil servants after the struggle between resign and not resign eventually choose to stick. This is not a personal career choice, but represents a choice of a large group of 7.089 million members of civil servants who govern China. Secondly, every year at least one million young people participate in the national civil service exam attempt to among them.
Problems and a Review of the LiteratureGovernment selects the civil servants and the public pursuit the civil service jobs all paid a lot of human, financial and material resources. Civil service jobs are civil society keen pursuit of well-deserved elite groups, and the choice of this elite group of civil servants, have representation and demonstration for college students' career choices, so what kind of factors have led to the civil service in the face of the gap between ideal and reality, even after introspection is not suitable for civil service positions , but long tangled into a state of mediocrity attracted our research interest.In the career change research, some of the sample has aroused our interest, they feel now the occupation choice is not suitable for themselves, in the work experience depression, bondage and other negative emotional experience, want to resign but is bound by various forces, can not make the resignation behavior. Want to leave but can not do, the negative effect of the individual and the organization is greater than the turnover behavior itself [1]. In view of the problem that why evidence shows that turnover intention is the best redictor of the turnover behavior [2,3] but many people who intend to resign did not act [4,5].we conducted a literature analysis. Allen, Weeks, & Moffitt (2005) explained why some people turn their turnover intention into action, and some of them don't. Vardaman, James M., et al. (2015) considered that the center of the advice network and the friendship network of the organization network has weakened the turnover intention to leave the transformation.In the past, the research on the relationship between the psychological factors, such as personality traits, risk preference and so on, is often not considered the key environmental factors [5]. Vardaman, James M., et al. (2015) from the perspective of relational network in the external environment is a breakthrough, but only focused on the organization's internal network relations, the family network has not been considered which is especially crucial in the context of the Chinese situation is, also did not take the important influence of culture into account.Job embeddedness is defined as a network of various forces that prevent the employees from leaving the organization [6].Although Mitchell et al. (2001) in the job embeddedness initial conceptualization mentioned enmeshment, but they did not gi...