SummaryTranslational initiation region of bacteriophage T4 gene 25 contains three potential Shine and Dalgarno sequences: SD1, SD2 and SD3. Mutational analysis has predicted that an mRNA stem-loop structure may include SD1 and SD2, bringing the most typical sequence SD3, GAGG, to the initiation codon. Here, we report physical evidence demonstrating that previously predicted mRNA stem-loop structure indeed exists in vivo during gene 25 expression in T4-infected Escherichia coli cells. The second mRNA stem-loop structure is identified 14 nucleotides upstream of the stem-loop I, while the SD3 sequence, as well as the start codon of the gene, are proved to be within an unfolded stretch of mRNA. Phylogenetic comparison of 38 T4-like phages reveals that the T-even and some pseudoT-even phages evolve a similar structural strategy for the translation initiation of 25, while pseudoT-even, schizoT-even and exoT-even phages use an alternative mRNA arrangement. Taken together, the results indicate that a specific mRNA fold forms the split ribosome binding site at the gene 26-25 intercistronic junction, which is highly competent in the translational initiation. We conclude that this ribosome binding site has evolved after T-even diverged from other T4-like phages. Additionally, we determine that the SD sequence GAGG is most widespread in T4.