In this article we consider the connection between semifield flocks of a quadratic cone in PGð3; q n Þ, eggs in PGð4n À 1; qÞ and ovoids of Qð4; q n Þ, when q is odd. Starting from a semifield flock F of a quadratic cone in PGð3; q n Þ, q odd, one can obtain an ovoid OðFÞ of Qð4; q n Þ using the construction of Thas [10]. With a semifield flock there also corresponds a good egg E of PGð4n À 1; qÞ (see, e.g., [3]) and the TGQ TðEÞ contains at least q 3n þ q 2n subquadrangles all isomorphic to Qð4; q n Þ (Thas [8]). Hence by subtending one can obtain ovoids of Qð4; q n Þ (consider the set of points in the subquadrangle collinear with a point not in the subquadrangle). Here we prove that all the ovoids subtended from points of type (ii) are isomorphic to OðFÞ, and that in at least 2q n subGQ's the ovoids subtended from points of type (i) are isomorphic to the ovoids subtended from points of type (ii).
Definitions and motivationThroughout the article we assume that q is an odd prime power. With PGðm; qÞ we denote the m-dimensional projective space arising from the ðm þ 1Þ-dimensional vector space over the finite field GFðqÞ of order q. A flock of a quadratic cone K of PGð3; qÞ with vertex v is a partition of Knfvg into irreducible conics. The planes containing the conics of the flock are called the planes of the flock.Put F ¼ GFðq n Þ and consider the quadratic cone K in PGð3; q n Þ with vertex v ¼ h0; 0; 0; 1i and base the conic C with equation X 0 X 1 ¼ X 2 2 . The planes of a flock of K can be written as p t : tX 0 þ f ðtÞX 1 þ gðtÞX 2 þ X 3 ¼ 0, t A F , for some f ; g : F ! F . We denote this flock by Fð f ; gÞ. If f and g are linear over a subfield of GFðq n Þ then the flock is called a semifield flock. The maximal subfield with this property is called the kernel of the flock.An egg E of PGð2n þ m À 1; qÞ is a partial ðn À 1Þ-spread of size q m þ 1 such that every 3 di¤erent egg elements span a ð3n À 1Þ-dimensional space and such that for every egg element E there is an ðn þ m À 1Þ-dimensional space T E , called the tangent space of E at the element E, containing E and skew from all the other egg elements.