. Purified human reovirus contains RNA methylase activity in addition to an RNA polymerase. Virions incubated under appropriate conditions in the presence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthesize mRNA that is specifically methylated in the 5'-terminal guanosine. Alkaline digestion of the methylated RNA released a 5'-terminal dinucleotide, ppG'pCp, indicating that the guanosine contains 2'-O-methylribose. The possible roles of methylation in viral and cellular mRNA function is discussed.The genome of human reovirus consists of ten segments of double-stranded RNA (1), each containing the same two 5'-terminal sequences: GpApUp in the nminus (-) strand and G'pCp in the plus (+) strand (2). G' presumably is 2'-Omethylated guanosine, since the G'pCp sequence is resistant to hydrolysis by alkali or T1 RNase (2). A virion-associated RNA polymerase transcribes only the (-) strand of each reovirus duplex segment (3-6). The resulting ten (+) species of single-stranded RNA function as viral mRNA (7,8). In addition, they serve as precursors to the double-stranded genome segments (9), suggesting that reovirus mRNA may also be methylated at the 5'-termini. A similar situation exists for another double-stranded RNA virus, cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) of insects (10, 11). Furuichi recently found that the single-stranded viral RNA synthesized in vitro by the cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus-associated transcriptase in the presence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine contains 1.2 methyl groups per RNA molecule of average chain length 2300 nucleotides (12). In the view of the above results and the report that mouse L cell mRNA contains 2.2 methyl groups per 1000 nucleotides (13), it was of interest to test the possibility that reovirus mRNA is methylated.
MATERIALS AND METHODSReovirus type 3, Dearing strain, was grown in mouse L cells in suspension culture and purified as described (3).RNA was synthesized by the virion-associated transcriptase by incubating 70 u~g of purified reovirus with 30,ug of chymotrypsin for 30 min at 450 in a standard reaction mixture con- tinued at 450, and samples of 0.02 ml were removed to 5 ml of trichloroacetic acid-sodium pyrophosphate (10% each) at the' indicated times. After 30 min at 00, they were filtered through Millipore filters, washed, and counted in toluene-based scintillation fluid.Analysis of RNA products by velocity sedimentation in sucrose gradients (3) and chromatography oIn DEAE-cellulose in the presence of 7 AI urea has been described (14).[ (Fig. 1). In the absence of GTP, no RNA synthesis occurred, and there was no incorporation of [3H]methvl group. To test whether exogenous mRNA can be methylated in the absence of RNA synthesis, I added purifiecl single-stranded RNA made in vitro in the absence of S-adenosylmethionine to the incubation mixture lacking GTP. No incorl)oration of [3H]methyl group was found (Fig. 1). [methyl-3H ]Methionine did not replace S-adenosylmethionine as a methyl donor. As described for the reovirus RNA polymerase (3-5), methylase activity is also associated...