Nucleated bone marrow cells from normal individuals and from three patients with homozygous -+ thalassemia were pulse-labeled with tritiated nucleosides. The processing of the newly synthesized globin mRNA precursors was monitored by inhibiting additional transcription with ac- The f3-thalassemias are a heterogeneous group of hereditary anemias in man in which /3-globin protein synthesis is decreased or absent and a-globin protein synthesis occurs at normal rates (1-6). Erythrocytes from patients with homozygous f30-thalassemia contain no detectable f3-globin protein, and their reticulocytes either lack f3-globin mRNA or contain f3-globin mRNA that is not translated into functional protein (7-9). The f3-globin genes are intact in most, but not all, #°-thalassemic patients (4, 5, 10). Erythroid cells from patients with f3+-thalassemia contain structurally normal f3-globin protein, but there is significantly less f3-globin than a-globin protein and the reticulocyte a/f3-globin mRNA ratio is increased (11-14).f3-Globin mRNAs in /3+-thalassemic and normal reticulocytes are translated with equal efficiencies (15-17), and the f3-globin genes in /3+-thalassemia do not contain detectable deletions (4, 5).Based on these data, the fl+-thalassemia phenotype must result from mutations that specifically reduce the expression of the f3-globin structural genes. Such mutations might affect gene transcription, processing of the mRNA precursor, transport of mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, or stability of mature mRNA in the cytoplasm. The ratios of a-globin to f3-globin mRNA sequences in nuclear RNA from normal individuals and from two patients with 3+-thalassemia were approximately equal (13). This result suggests that the transcription rates of the two genes are similar in some patients.We have investigated the possibility that the 3-globin mRNA precursor is processed to mRNA inefficiently in the f+-thalassemias. Nucleated bone marrow cells were pulse-labeled with 3H-labeled nucleosides and chased with actinomycin D, and globin-specific RNA was analyzed. The results indicate that the processing of f3-globin RNA, but not a-globin RNA, occurs inefficiently in three unrelated patients with #+-thalassemia. Nucleated cells were obtained from bone marrow aspirates, and all manipulations prior to cell culturing were performed at 240C. Each aspirate was passed through a series of progressively larger gauge needles and centrifuged for 10 min at 300 X g. The buffy coat was removed and brought to 5 ml with growth medium (RPMI-1640 containing 20% fetal calf serum and 50 units of penicillin and 50 ,g of streptomycin per ml).Cells were homogenized by gentle pipetting, transferred to five 1-ml Wintrobe tubes, and centrifuged for 10 min at 300 X g. The nucleated cells were pooled, brought to 10 ml with growth medium, and centrifuged for 12 min at 200 X g. The cells were resuspended in medium to 2-10 X 107 nucleated cells per ml and incubated in a humidified atmosphere of 5% C02/95% air at 370C for 1 hr, at which time [3H] .u...