Increasing requirements of sensitivity and of spectral dispersion have driven the development of NMR magnets to higher and more homogeneous magnetic fields, which are obtained by immobile and expensive superconducting magnets. With the best field homogeneities available ( B/B ∼ 10 −9 over 1 cm 3 , where B is the magnetic field), ultrahigh-resolution carbon ( 13 C) NMR spectra at 4.2 T with an instrumental broadening below 50 mHz have been realized 2 . For 1 H high-field NMR spectroscopy (1-20 T), it is difficult to measure linewidths with an instrumental broadening below 100 mHz.We define our ideal NMR spectrometer by two requirements: first, it should measure NMR spectra with high resolution and all relevant NMR parameters, such as the longitudinal (T 1 ) and transverse (T 2 ) relaxation times, the chemical shift and the dipolar and J-coupling, in a single scan; and second, the spectrometer should be robust, low cost and mobile. Low cost and mobile means that heavy electro or superconducting magnets as well as superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs) should be avoided. Single-scan and high-resolution NMR implies