Holographic quantum error correcting codes (HQECC) have been proposed as toy models for the AdS/CFT correspondence, and exhibit many of the features of the duality. HQECC give a mapping of states and observables. However, they do not map local bulk Hamiltonians to local Hamiltonians on the boundary. In this work, we combine HQECC with Hamiltonian simulation theory to construct a bulk-boundary mapping between local Hamiltonians, whilst retaining all the features of the HQECC duality. This allows us to construct a duality between models, encompassing the relationship between bulk and boundary energy scales and time dynamics.It also allows us to construct a map in the reverse direction: from local boundary Hamiltonians to the corresponding local Hamiltonian in the bulk. Under this boundary-tobulk mapping, the bulk geometry emerges as an approximate, low-energy, effective theory living in the code-space of an (approximate) HQECC on the boundary. At higher energy scales, this emergent bulk geometry is modified in a way that matches the toy models of black holes proposed previously for HQECC. Moreover, the duality on the level of dynamics shows how these toy-model black holes can form dynamically.
ContentsF Perturbative simulations 55 G Translational invariance in the boundary model 59 2. The Hilbert space of the boundary consists of a triangulation of M by triangles of O(1) area, with a qubit at the centre of each triangle, and a total of O n(log n) 4 triangles/qubits. 3. Any local observable/measurement M in the bulk has a set of corresponding observables/measurements {M } on the boundary with the same outcome. A local bulk operator M can be reconstructed on a boundary region A if M acts within the greedy entanglement wedge of A, denoted E[A]. 3 4. H boundary consists of 2-local, nearest-neighbour interactions between the boundary qubits. Furthermore, H boundary can be chosen to have full local SU (2) symmetry; i.e. the local interactions can be chosen to all be Heisenberg interactions: H boundary5. H boundary is a (∆ L , , η)-simulation of H bulk in the rigorous sense of [9, Definition 23], with , η = 1/ poly(∆ L ), ∆ L = Ω H bulk 6 , and where the interaction strengths in H boundary scale as max ij |α ij | = O ∆ poly(n log(n)) L .This result allows us to extend toy models of holographic duality such as [5,21,34,49] to include a mapping between local Hamiltonians. In doing so we show that the expected relationship between bulk and boundary energy scales can be realised by local boundary models. In particular, in our construction toy models of static black holes (as originally proposed in [34]) correspond to high-energy states of the local boundary model, as would be expected in AdS/CFT. Moreover, in our toy model we can say something about how dynamics in the bulk correspond to dynamics on the boundary. Even without writing down a specific bulk Hamiltonian, we are able to demonstrate that the formation of a (toy model) static black hole in the bulk corresponds to the boundary unitarily evolving to a state outside of...