There are numerous scenarios in which replacing the diseased RPE monolayer is an attractive but as yet unrealised goal. The proof of concept that vision can be improved by placing a healthy neuroretina onto a different, healthy, underlying RPE layer is demonstrated in patch graft transplantations. The surgical procedure to relocate the neuroretina is both complex and is hampered by postoperative complications and as such newer replacement procedures are also being investigated including stem cell replacement therapies. Past studies have largely focused on using cell suspensions and have had disappointing outcomes largely due to the lack of control over cellular differentiation, incomplete attachment onto Bruch's membrane and subsequent integration into the existing RPE monolayer. The choice of which cells to transplant is still under investigation and is complicated by factors such as the ease of collection of an adequate sample, rejection following implantation, the age of the cells and ethical issues. In all these situations, however, understanding the mechanisms of cellular differentiation are likely to be prerequisite to future successes. The current research into replacing the RPE monolayer is briefly discussed with reference to our experiences comparing IPE and RPE cells in an in vitro environment.