T o find a higher plant suitable for the biosynthesis of mannitol-Cl.l, detached leaves of 20 species were illuminated in the presence of C1"O? and subsequent distribution of C'* among their sugars was determined. Mannitol-C14 was found in 4 species, verbascos~-C" in 3, stachyose-C1.' in 9, raffino~e-Cl,~ in 16, mellibiose-C14 in 2, maltose-C'" in 15, sucrose-C1" in 20, galactose-C1" in 8, glucose-C" in 17, and fructose-C" in 12. Syringa vulgaris L. and Frariltz~s a7nericana L.were found to be the most suitable plants for the preparation of radioactive mannitol of high specific activity. The yield was 19.6% in Syringa, with specific activity = 38,4pc/ing, and 8.4% in Fmxinus, with specific activity = 68.5 1.rcl1ng.