Earlier studies have shown that the retarding effect of low petiolar temperatures on sucrose transport through sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) petioles is markedly time-dependent. Although the initial effect of chilling the petiole to near 0 C is severely inhibitory, translocation rates soon recover (usually within about 2 hours) to values at or near the control rate. In the present studies, selected metabolic parameters were measured simultaneously with translocation. No stoichiometric relationships among petiolar sucrose transport, petiolar respiration (CO2 production), and calculated petiolar ATP turnover rates were evident. It appears that the major sources of energy input energizing carbohydrate transport in sieve tubes function mainly at either loading or unloading sites and not at the level of individual sieve-tube elements.Earlier studies have shown that the retarding effect of low petiolar temperatures on sucrose transport through sugar beet petioles is markedly time-dependent (6, 11). Although the initial effect of chilling the petiole to near 0 C (0.1-2.5 C) is severely inhibiting, the degree of inhibition diminishes rapidly with time, and the translocation rate usually recovers to values at or near (and frequently above) the control rate within 1.5 to 2.5 hr. If the "cold-adapted" petiole is then rewarmed to room temperatures, and again rechilled, the cycle of inhibition-deinhibition is repeated (11). Thus, sucrose translocation in sugar beet petioles is essentially a homeostatic process.This homeostasis is interesting, since if sucrose translocation depends on production and use of metabolic energy along the path between source and sink, the reversal of low temperature inhibition with time should be reflected in similar time-dependent changes in various metabolic parameters of the chilled petiole.The experiments reported here permit comparisons to be made among the following variables at both normal (22-25 C) and low (0.7-2.5 C) petiolar temperatures: (a) the translocation rate; (b) the rate of CO2 evolution from the petiole; (c) changes in the molar concentration of ATP in the petiole; and (d) The day before each experiment, the hypocotyl of the test plant was girdled with an electrically-heated nichrome wire about 1 cm below the crown to restrict the translocation sink to the young shoot. These plants, therefore, differed significantly from those used in earlier studies in that the ratio of accessible sink tissue to source tissue was considerably smaller because of the exclusion of the root system as a translocation sink. Figure 1 presents a flow diagram of the analytical system used for measuring translocation to the sink leaf, photosynthesis in the donor-leaf blade, and respiration in the petiole zone subjected to cold treatment. Steady-state labeling of assimilates was obtained by circulating CO2 at a constant concentration and specific activity through the Plexiglas cuvette (B). The desired concentration of about 600 pd/1 was maintained within approximately 1% by means of a motorized ...