Serotonin transporter (SERT) catalyzes reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) and is a target for antidepressant drugs and psychostimulants. It is a member of a large family of neurotransmitter and amino acid transporters. A recent study using site-directed cysteine modification identified a helical region of the transporter with high accessibility to the cytoplasm. Subsequently, the high resolution structure of LeuT, a prokaryotic homologue, showed that the residues corresponding to this helical region are part of the fifth transmembrane domain. The accessibility of these positions is now shown to depend on conformational changes corresponding to interconversion of SERT between two forms that face the extracellular medium and the cytoplasm, respectively. Binding of the extracellular inhibitor cocaine decreased accessibility at these positions, whereas 5-HT, the transported substrate, increased it. The effect of 5-HT required the simultaneous presence of Na ؉ and Cl ؊ , which are transported into the cell together (symported) with 5-HT. In light of the LeuT structure, these results begin to define the pathway through which 5-HT diffuses between its binding site and the cytoplasm. They also confirm a prediction of the alternating access model for transport, namely, that all symported substrates must bind together before translocation.
Serotonin transporter (SERT)2 is a polytopic membrane protein responsible for reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) following its release (1). It is a member of the NSS or SLC6 family of sodium-coupled neurotransmitter and amino acid transporters, which also includes transporters for dopamine, norepinephrine, ␥-aminobutyric acid, and glycine (2). SERT is a target for antidepressant drugs such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and for psychostimulants such as cocaine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (also known as ecstasy) (3, 4). Antidepressants, cocaine and the high affinity cocaine analog 2-carbomethoxy-3-(4-iodophenyl)tropane (-CIT, or RTI-55) are competitive inhibitors of SERT-mediated 5-HT uptake and are likely to bind from the extracellular medium close to the 5-HT binding site on SERT (5-7).SERT couples the transport of one 5-HT molecule into the cell together with one Na ϩ and one Cl Ϫ ion and in exchange for one K ϩ ion in each catalytic cycle (8 -10). According to the alternating access model, a transporter contains a central binding site for substrates that is exposed alternately to either side of the membrane through conformational changes (11, 12). As a corollary to the alternating access model, when a transporter couples the transmembrane movement of more than one substrate, the process requires, for maximum efficiency, that the conformational change occurs only when all substrates that are transported in the same direction (symport) are bound (13). When substrates are transported in opposite directions (antiport) efficient coupling requires that the conformational change occurs only when substrate is bound and not when the bind...