Resultados. El 9,1 % de los perros de la muestra fueron seronegativos y el 25,1 % no evidenciaron respuesta inmunitaria humoral adecuada a la vacunación. La concentración de anticuerpos disminuyó gradualmente desde la aplicación de la vacuna, y estuvo asociada a edad y calidad de las vacunas, aunque no estuvo asociada a sexo ni a raza. Conclusiones. Con el fin de aumentar los porcentajes de perros seropositivos y con respuesta inmunitaria humoral adecuada, se hacen las siguientes recomendaciones: 1) utilizar vacunas antirrábicas viables; 2) aplicar dos dosis de vacuna durante los primeros seis meses de vida de los cachorros; 3) aplicar refuerzos de vacuna, por lo menos, una vez al año; 4) que las autoridades vigilen las actividades y los procesos programáticos relacionados con la vacunación antirrábica por particulares.Palabras clave: vacunas antirrábicas, virus de la rabia, Lyssavirus, zoonosis, vigilancia epidemiológica, inmunidad, Colombia.
Evaluation of the seroconversion as a response to rabies vaccination in dogs, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, 2009Introduction. The province of Valle del Cauca has been free of dog rabies for more than 20 years. However, sylvatic rabies foci remain which are threats to the health of the populace and its pets. Rabies vaccination campaigns are carried out annually in all 42 counties of the province. Objectives. The impact of dog vaccination was evaluated on the basis of humoral immunoresponse, population parameters and correlation with variables inherent to the vaccination process and logistics. Materials and methods. Sera and associated data were obtained from each of the 42 counties for a total sample of 569 rabies-vaccinated dogs. Rabies neutralizing antibodies were measured by quantitative ELISA. The data were analyzed with the statistical programs in Epi-Info 6.0.Results. Nearly 10% of dogs were seronegative (9.1%) and an additional 25.1% did not elicit an adequate humoral immune response to vaccination. Concentration of rabies neutralizing antibodies diminished gradually with the time after vaccination and was correlated with dog age and vaccine quality. No associations were noted between dog gender or breed. Conclusions. These data permit the following recommendations: (1) only viable, non expired rabies vaccines must be used to immunize animals, (2) two doses of rabies vaccine must be applied during the first six months of dog life, (3) booster immunizations must be administered every year, (4) practices