The compounds Y2Cu205 and Y1.9Ca0.1Cu205 are structurally related to the high-Tc superconducting YBa2Cu307_ x ceramics, and their magnetic properties are, therefore, important. Magnetic susceptibility measurements on Y2Cu205 have been reported previously [1][2][3][4], and have a Curie-Weiss dependence on temperature above -35 K, with antiferromagnetic ordering around 13 K [2,3]. An anomalous magnetic behaviour was observed recently [4] in Y2Cu205 at low temperature (< 150 K) and in very weak magnetic fields ( -0 . 0 5 G), in which the susceptibility turns negative, indicating a superconducting transition. Crystal structure studies on Y2Cu205 have also been reported [5]. In this letter, we report results on the magnetic properties of Y2Cu2Os and Y1.9Cao.lCU2Os, so as to determine the effect of Ca doping on the magnetic properties.The ceramic samples used in the course of this study were produced by sintering powders that had mostly been prepared by the mixed oxide route. To prepare the ceramics Y2Cu2Os, and Y1.9Ca0.1Cu2Os, high-purity CaCO3, CuO and Y203 powders were milled together for 3 h in acetone. The resulting powders were calcined in air at -1 2 2 3 K. The calcination product was then finely crushed and cold pressed. The cold-pressed pellets were sintered in flowing oxygen at -1223 K and then cooled slowly to room temperature. Fig. 1 shows plots of inverse magnetic susceptibility X and X -1 versus temperature in the range 5-300 K, for (a) Y2Cu2Q, and (b) Y1.9Ca0.1Cu2Os. The measurements were made in a magnetic field of 10-2G using a SQUID magnetometer (Quantum Design/MPMS), and the plots are corrected for core diamagnetism (equal to (a) -47r (1.20) × 10 -9 m3/ kgmol and (b) -4~ (1.66) × 10 -9ma/kgmol), determined by plotting X against 1/T. In both compounds, a maximum in the plot of X against T is observed, presumably corresponding to an anti-