based surface modification has been used extensively for three of the four important classes of electronic materials, namely metals, semiconductors, and insulators. In this irticle recent progress in the application of t is technique, which is commonly called 'st F-assembly', to the modification of the surf, -es of high-T, superconductors (e.g. see FiL .ire) is reviewed. Research I Tews: A polymer gel is a crosslinked polymer network swollen in solvent. S o t : gels undergo abrupt volume changes by swelling-shrinking in response to e, 'ernal stimuli, such as temperature or electric field. Recently a new type of biG .limetic gel has been developed which autonomously repeats its swelling-shrin h g cycles periodically in a closed solution, without any external stimuli, simi 7r to a beating heart muscle. The new mherials and their rhythmical behavior Ire discussed.