Eight cattle originally inoculated at birth with bovine lymphosarcoma (BLS) material were observed during the 5th and 6th years of life. The inoculum had been given in the form of emulsion i. p. (group I), sonicated extracts parenterally (group II) or per os daily for 16 days (group III) and tissue culture i. v. or i. p. (group IV). Twenty‐eight normal cows of the same age taken from a leukemia‐free dairy herd, and 2 others of the same age with special conditions were included as controls (group V). One of these, 179, from a herd with a history of a single instance of lymphosarcoma, had lymphocytosis.
RBC, PCV, and hemoglobin values of all the animals were within the physiological limits. Variations appeared to be related to the management of the animals.
The majority of group I and II animals had CLC counts at suspicious levels. The CLC counts of one cow in group III remained at high positive levels, as they had since shortly after the animal received the agent per os; the second cow of this group developed CLC counts, from a previous suspicious state, to positive levels, during the 6th year. In group IV, both animals had CLC counts at positive levels for both years of observation.
The average CLC counts of the control cows, with the exception of Cow 179, which had PL for more than 5 years, remained at suspicious levels. However, a good number of cows with increased CLC counts had records of chronic conditions.
At necropsy, the inoculated cattle had no real neoplastic changes. Noted were areas of cortical hyperplasia in some lymph nodes and partial fibrosis or a combination of both in others. Wide cortex with compact areas, effaced trabeculae, and sinuses tightly packed with immature lymphoid cells or blastcells were noted in the lymph nodes and spleen of animals of group III and IV. Hematologic and histologic changes were attributed to the inoculum and for some animals could indicate a prodromal leukemic state.
Changes in some of the lymph nodes of Cow 179 are believed to be related to the persistent lymphocytosis.
Lymphosarcome bovin: effet d'une inoculation chez les veaux nouveau‐nés
III. Observations au cours des cinquième et sixième années
On observe au cours de leurs 5ème et 6ème années, 8 bovins, auxquels on avait inoculé des prélèvements de lymphosarcome bovin au moment de leur naissance. L'inoculum avait été administré sous forme d'une émulsion i. p. (groupe 1), d'extraits traités aux ultra‐sons, par voie parentérale (groupe 2) ou per os, chaque jour pendant 16 jours (groupe 3) et d'une culture de tissus i. v. ou i. p. (groupe 4). Comme contrôle (groupe 5), on utilise 28 vaches laitières normales du même âge, provenant d'un troupeau exempt de leucémie et deux autres du même âge se trouvant dans des conditions spéciales. L'une des deux (No. 179), provenant d'un troupeau avec un cas de lymphosarcome, était atteinte d'une lymphocytose. Chez tous les animaux, le nombre des érythrocytes, le volume cellulaire total et les taux d'hémoglobine varient dans les limites physiologiques. Les variation...