Contents 1. IntroduCtIon (161) 2. eleCtro-optIC MaCh-Zehnder Modulator (163) 2.1. eleCtro-optIC effeCt (163) 2.2. operatIon prInCIple of the eleCtro-optIC MaCh-Zehnder Modulator (165) 2.3. BalanCed MaCh-Zehnder Modulator (165) 2.4. dual-drIve MaCh-Zehnder Modulator (167) 3. ModulatIon forMats of dual-drIve MaCh-Zehnder Modulator (168) 3.1. douBle-sIdeBand-wIth-CarrIer (dsB+C) ModulatIon forMat (169) 3.2. sIngle-sIdeBand-wIth-CarrIer (ssB+C) ModulatIon forMat (169) 3.3. douBle-sIdeBand-wIth-suppressedcarrier (DSB+SС) moDulation format (171) 4. transportatIon of optICal sIgnals over a fIBer (171) 4.1. transportatIon of the douBle-sIdeBand-wIth-CarrIer (dsB+C) ModulatIon sIgnal (172) 4.2. transportatIon of the sIngle-sIdeBand-wIth-CarrIer (ssB+C) ModulatIon sIgnal (172) 4.3. transportatIon of the douBle-sIdeBand-wIth-suppressed-CarrIer (DSB+SС) moDulation Signal (173) 5. ConClusIon (173) referenCes (174) 1. INTRODUCTION Analog fiber-optic transmission systems remain in demand for various applications. Among them: on-board fiber-optic networks, antenna systems remote from the control and signal processing points, signal distribution systems for either on-board radars or ground-based radars with phased antenna arrays, radioover-fiber systems, CATV networks, remote