Remote state estimation, where sensors send their measurements of distributed dynamic plants to a remote estimator over shared wireless resources, is essential for mission-critical applications of Industry 4.0. Existing algorithms on dynamic radio resource allocation for remote estimation systems assumed oversimplified wireless communications models and can only work for small-scale settings. In this work, we consider remote estimation systems with practical wireless models over the orthogonal multipleaccess and non-orthogonal multiple-access schemes. We derive necessary and sufficient conditions under which remote estimation systems can be stabilized. The conditions are described in terms of the transmission power budget, channel statistics, and plants' parameters. For each multiple-access scheme, we formulate a novel dynamic resource allocation problem as a decision-making problem for achieving the minimum overall long-term average estimation mean-square error. Both the estimation quality and the channel quality states are taken into account for decision making. We systematically investigated the problems under different multiple-access schemes with large discrete, hybrid discrete-and-continuous, and continuous action spaces, respectively. We propose novel action-space compression methods and develop advanced deep reinforcement learning algorithms to solve the problems. Numerical results show that our algorithms solve the resource allocation problems effectively and provide much better scalability than the literature.