SUMMARYNew and enhanced nuclear fuels are a key enabler for new and improved reactor technologies. For example, the goals of the next generation nuclear plant (NGNP) will not be met without irradiations successfully demonstrating the safety and reliability of new fuels. Likewise, fuel reliability has become paramount in ensuring the competitiveness of nuclear power plants. Recently, the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy (DOE-NE) launched a new direction in fuel research and development that emphasizes an approach relying on first principle models to develop optimized fuel designs that offer significant improvements over current fuels. To facilitate this approach, high fidelity, real-time, data are essential for characterizing the performance of new fuels during irradiation testing. A three-year strategic research program has been initiated for developing the required test vehicles with sensors of unprecedented accuracy and resolution for obtaining the data needed to characterize three-dimensional changes in fuel microstructure during irradiation testing. When implemented, this strategy will yield test capsule designs that are instrumented with new sensor technologies for irradiations at facilities primarily relied upon by the Fuel Cycle Research and Development (FCR&D) program, the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) and the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR). Prior laboratory testing, and as needed, irradiation testing of sensors in these capsules will have been completed to give sufficient confidence that the irradiation tests will yield the required data.From the onset of this instrumentation development effort, it was recognized that obtaining these sensors must draw upon the expertise of a wide-range of organizations not currently supporting nuclear fuels research. Hence, a draft version of this document was developed to provide necessary background information related to fuel irradiation testing, desired parameters for detection, and an overview of currently available in-pile instrumentation. Then, a workshop was held in which U.S. and foreign experts from fuels, irradiation, and instrumentation fields participated. Prior to this workshop, copies of a draft version of this document were distributed to participants to stimulate expert interactions at this meeting. During the workshop, candidate sensor technologies identified in this document were discussed and ranked by the experts using agreed upon criteria. The final version of this document describes the consensus reached during the workshop with respect to recommendations for the path forward for accomplishing the goals of this research program.Based on the activities completed to develop this strategic plan, it is recommended that the FCR&D instrumentation development program be initiated as a three year program that includes the following three tasks:• Ultrasonics-Based Evaluations -In this task, laboratory evaluations and necessary irradiations will be completed to demonstrate the viability of this technology for in-pile applications. Specif...