In the past 2 decades, an innovative and active field of surgical collaboration has been evolved and established combining the expertise of Neurosurgery and Rhinosurgery in treatment of different lesions affecting the anterior skull base together with the adjacent intranasal and intradural areas. Important prerequesites for this development were improvements of technical devices, definitions of transnasal surgical corridors and approvements in endonasal reconstruction e. g. by use of pedicled nasal mucosal flaps. Interdisciplinary surgical teams have been established constituting specialized centers of "rhino-neurosurgery". With growing experience of these groups, it could be shown that oncological results and perioperative complications were comparable to traditional surgery while at the same time, patient's morbidity could be reduced.The present review encompasses the recent literature focussing on the development, technical details, results and complications of "rhino-neurosurgery".