Introduction: thyroid gland surgical excision has been performed since the 19th century, which was first employed by Theodor Kocher, this technique since its inception presented certain post-surgical complications and left an aesthetically uncomfortable scar in patients; however a few years ago new techniques have been carried out under laparoscopic approaches which leave less scarring; under this same concept, in 2016 the TOETVA technique (Endoscopic trans-oral thyroidectomy with vestibular approach) is presented, with which fewer postoperative complications have been evidenced. Objective: To identify post-surgical complications, surgical and hospitalization time between TOETVA versus endoscopic techniques. Materials and Methods: a retrospective study of two surgical interventions was carried out, which included patient’s surgery by Endoscopic Trans-oral Thyroidectomy and patient’s surgery by other endoscopic techniques at Hospital General IESS Ibarra in the period between January 2017 - March 2019. Thirty-three patients met the inclusion criteria, 19 patients were tested for Endoscopic Trans-oral Thyroidectomy with TOETVA vestibular approach, and 14 with cervical endoscopic thyroidectomy. Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. Version 19. Results: the entire studied population was female, with 45.3 years old in average, 42.42% resided in Ibarra, while 15.5% were from Otavalo, these two populations were the most representative. Regarding to the issue, 68.4% patient’s surgery by TOETVA technique and 71.42% % patient’s surgery by cervical endoscopic thyroidectomy technique did not present complications. The surgical time in which it was reported that Endoscopic Trans-oral Thyroidectomy with vestibular approach was also studied, TOETVA had a mean of 129.84 minutes, while the cervical endoscopic had a mean of 131.07 minutes. The hospital stay was shorter for cervical endoscopic thyroidectomy due to complications presented with TOETVA with a mean of 6.32 and 4.14 days respectively. Conclusions: trans-oral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy with vestibular approach (TOETVA) is a technique that is in the process of implementation and learning in Ecuador and that as a result of the present investigation it could be concluded that there are no significant differences regarding post-surgical complications between the techniques studied.