At present, computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, and myelography are the diagnostic methods of choice for the morphological evaluation of the spine. Ultrasound cannot penetrate the bony posterior arch of the vertebral column and can, therefore, be used only in patients with a spine bifida or after surgical laminectomy.1'2 Recently, an ultrasound image of the spinal cord via the esophagus was demonstrated for the first time using a variant technology based on transesophageal echocardiograThe sonographic examination of the heart through the esophagus is a widely accepted diagnostic and can be applied in conscious patients with only minor discomfort and with almost noIn this study we report on our initial experience with transesophageal ultrasound imaging of the spinal cord.
PatientsA normal spinal cord was imaged in 50 patients undergoing transesophageal echocardiography. Five patients with a syringohydromyelia and 1 patient with von Recklinghausen neurofibromatosis, all previously diagnosed by CT and magnetic resonance imaging, were studied by transesophageal ultrasonography. the denticulate ligaments are seen as strong echogenic structures.