Using photoelectron spectroscopy, the interface formation of anatase and rutile TiO 2 with RuO 2 and tin-doped indium oxide (ITO) is studied. It is consistently found that the valence band maximum of rutile is 0.7 ± 0.1 eV above that of anatase. The alignment is confirmed by electronic structure calculations, which further show that the alignment is related to the splitting of the energy bands formed by the O 2p z lone-pair orbitals. The alignment can explain the different electron concentrations in doped anatase and rutile and the enhanced photocatalytic activity of mixed phase particles.SECTION: Surfaces, Interfaces, Porous Materials, and Catalysis A fter Fujishima and Honda 1 had reported on the photocatalytic activity of TiO 2 , the influence of crystal structure on this property was investigated intensively.2,3 Over the past 2 decades, it was commonly observed that mixed anatase/rutile systems show more favorable photocatalytic properties than pristine ones of either modification. 4−9 The synergistic effect of the mixed systems has been attributed to a built-in driving force for separation of photogenerated charge carriers. Such a driving force may result from either a built-in electric field or from energy barriers blocking charge transfer at the interface between anatase and rutile. The latter are described by the energy band alignment, which is well-studied for semiconductor interfaces. Connelly et al.11 recently reviewed several models that are trying to explain the synergistic effect of mixed anatase/rutile systems. Well-known are the rutile sink model of Bickley et al. 4 and the rutile antenna model of Hurum et al., 5 which place the band edges of rutile (energy band gap E g = 3.0 eV 12 ) in between the band edges of anatase (E g = 3.2 eV 13 ). Kavan et al.14 performed electrochemical measurements that located the conduction band edge of anatase 0.2 eV above that of rutile, which corresponds to aligned valence band maxima. These models, however, were not able to convincingly account for the observed synergistic phenomena. Only recently, Deaḱ et al. 15 as well as Scanlon et al. 16 found theoretical and experimental indications for an energy band alignment with valence and conduction band energies in rutile both located higher in energy than in anatase when brought into contact. With such a staggered energy band alignment at the anatase/rutile interface, photogenerated electrons will preferentially move to anatase due to its lower conduction band minimum energy E CB , and holes will move to rutile due to its higher valence band maximum energy E VB . Deaḱ et al. 15 used the alignment of branch point energies 10 for their calculations. For oxides, though, it has been shown that due to a low density of induced interface states, the alignment of branch point energies does not necessarily yield proper results for the energy band alignment.
17In this work, further evidence for a staggered energy band alignment at the anatase/rutile interface is provided by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)...